
Saturday, 22 February 2014

Liebster Award Nomination

So excited to share with you all that i have been nominated by Amy Graham for the Liebster Award eek!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.
It was lovely to find out a little bit more about Amy, and now it's my turn! As I've been nominated i now have to state 11 facts about myself and then answer 11 questions. Here goes!

11 Facts about me;
  1. I'm very shy until i get to know someone.
  2. I am 5"11, so very tall!
  3. I have a huge addiction with anything related to beauty and skincare.
  4. I work with babies as young as 3 months.
  5. I'm looking into doing some nannying abroad soon.
  6. I'm planning to move to New Zealand in the near future.
  7. I love taking photos (Which my friends hate on nights out).
  8. I'm good at making cocktails.
  9. I've fallen in love with the film About Time.
  10. My nickname is Bambi as i constantly fall over and i cant ever seem to walk in a straight line!
  11. I never get hangovers!
What is your favourite animal?
This is an easy one for me! As you can tell from my previous blog 'The King of Beauty' which features my gorgeous cat George, cats have got to be my favourite animal hands down. It might be boring but its the truth! :) They are so loyal and give the best cuddles...they even help you sort out your makeup ha!

 What is your favourite make-up brand?
Hardest question ever!! I swap and change so much it's hard to pick just one. For me, at the moment, my favourite brand is Nars. I love the colouring of their products, the Luxurious feel, and the fact you can use the majority of their makeup from day to night (which is hard to find!).

What is your favourite brand for skincare?
This is also quite a difficult one for me. as I've suffered with acne for the past nine years, I'm constantly trying new products as my skin changes so often. I tend to go through phases using products such as Clinique, Clarins, Lancome, Vichy and Dior and i like to mix up what i use depending on my skin that day. But I'd have to say overall my favourite is Clarins. For A beauty addict with sensitive skin, Clarins is the most soothing and reliable brand I've used to date.

What shade of lipstick do you usually go for?
I tend to go for nude, peachy or baby pink shades as they suit my pale skin tone. occasionally I'll wear red but that is very occasionally!

What is your favourite meal?
I'm not a fussy eater in the slightest, but cook me anything Italian and I'm all yours! ha.

What is your dream job?
Any Job that involves Travel and Beauty. Two of my favourite things in life!

Why did you start blogging?
Ive wanted to start a blog for a very long time based on Acne and beauty, but never quite had the confidence to. Then recently i was persuaded to do so by a friend and just went for it, so happy i listened to her!

Why did you choose to blog about your chosen subject?
When you've suffered with acne for a long period of time, you get to know what works and what doesn't work for you. If I'd had someone to guide me through what products to use when i first had it, i think it would of saved me a huge amount of money. So if i can achieve that with someone else it would make me massively happy!

What is your favourite thing in your room?
I recently gave my room a little makeover and changed quite a few bits and pieces. I have a huge amount of love for my bed, but i think this is probably quite normal and most people probably do! So, i would have to say that my favourite item has got to be my handmade wardrobe handles. They are pastel pink ceramic roses, and they are so beautiful. They go with the Floral theme to my room so well, and I'vee had some lovely comments on them!

What is your favourite flower?
Either Cream Roses or pastel coloured Hydrangeas.

Would your rather get dressed up or be in your slouchies and have a pamper eve?
Depends what the occasion is and who the company was. During the summer months there's nothing i love more then getting dressed up and having drinks out with the girls or a nice meal, but come the winter i love a cosy night in with a film on in the background, open a bottle of wine and have girly chat whilst in our pj's with a face mask on! :)

Here are my 5 nominations;
Some lovely girls with beautiful blogs!

Here are your 11 questions Girls, get typing!
  1. What is your blog about?
  2. What do you want to achieve from your blog?
  3. Name your most used beauty product.
  4. What do you most admire about yourself?
  5. What part of the world would you most like to travel to?
  6. What is your all time favourite skincare brand?
  7. What is your favourite TV series?
  8. Do you have any annoying habbits?
  9. Do you have a motto that you live your life by? What is it?
  10. What advice would you give to a new blogger?
  11. What’s your favourite blog post you’ve written so far?
Thanks for reading,



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