
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Skinetica Product Review

Last week i was kindly gifted a few products from the lovely people at Skinetica. I've heard lots of amazing comments from other beauty bloggers and was excited to try something new. Because i am currently seeing a dermatologist and have strict instructions of what i can and cant use, i tend to shy away from anything other then what I'm prescribed. So i ran this past my consultant and she gave me the go ahead! I trialled this product for just under a week and here are the results.

Skinetica is a clear, toner like lotion that claims to soothe, calm and clear blemished skin. It's kind to skin (perfect for my sensitive skin) and has known no side effects which is very uncommon for acne clearing products! Skinetica advise you to apply to clean dry skin. generously pour the product onto a cotton wool pad and sweep over the worst affected areas. Let your skin air dry for at least one minute and you can then either apply moisturiser or foundation. Skinetica can be used as a base to makeup but claims to work better when nothing is applied over the top.

First Impressions:

Pros and Cons :
  • It didn't irritate my sensitive skin, i actually found that it calmed the redness alot!
  • Skinetica Has a unique smell alot like some of the lotions I've been prescribed before but on first application i found that its not harsh like those products at all.
  • i wasn't that keen on the packaging, its eye catching but does look quite cheap and fairly old fashioned.
Day One

This week was possibly the best week to try a acne clearing product as days before I'd suffered with  a  huge breakout. The night before my skin felt tight, raised, angry and very painful.
So after my first day using skinetica i wasn't expecting any results yet but my skin did feel slightly different. The redness was less noticeable and my skin didn't feel so taught. No new spots today.

Day Two
 Woke up this morning with my skin feeling calmer, slightly less red and raised. Red marks are starting to fade, spots seem dry and less prominent.
 Day Three
 Today i had a turn for the worse! Second phase of my big breakout has erupted. Three new spots have appeared in my jaw and neck area. Very prominent and sore. As you can see in the picture the spots in my jawline have made it look quite swollen and bumpy, which has changed the shape of it. Applied Skinetica and i'll wait till the morning to see if it helps to calm them.
 Day Four
 Just woken up, The spots are still there but a lot less inflamed and swollen. Jawline looks slightly flatter and more normal looking. No new spots over night which is great news!
Day Five
Having a good skin day today, skin feels smoother, flatter and hydrated. No new spots and the redness that's there seems to be either scaring or spots that are on their way out.

Day Six
Skin feels great today, the last of the redness is scaring and even that looks like its starting to fade. No new spots today so i think I'm over the worst, skin feels soft smooth and supple.
Final Verdict
After Six days of trialling this product and suffering from two fairly big breakouts, in my opinion this product did an excellent job. Throughout the week i found it helped at calming and soothing my skin and stopping the breakouts from getting out of hand. As you can see from the evidence above, each day the blemishes looked flatter, less angry and in general felt a loss less painful. Even some of my scaring had started to fade.
Overall i think this is a great product for any type of acne sufferer. Over the past nine years i have tried a ridiculous amount of products that have had either a small impact or very extreme results. Skinetica seems to fit right in the middle of these. Although it has helped in the process of caring for a breakout it isn't something that i feel would completely clear my skin forever.
For me this isn't my final solution, but for many other people this may be all they need. I do believe that everyone skin is so different its about finding that one product that balances it out correctly. I do however think it will be helpful to control my skin as new spots start to appear and i will be adding this to my skin saviour list for emergencies. I would definitely recommend this to anyone suffering with any kind of breakout or just to add to your skincare collection. Thank you so much Skinetica for sending me these products, i couldn't of asked for a better company to work with.
Skinetica Retails in at only £9.99 and you can buy on their website here.
I'd love to here any feedback of any other people that have tried and tested Skinetica and the results they have found. Email me at for any questions or queries relating to this post.
Thanks for reading,


  1. great review! I get really bad redness on my face so I might give this a go, would love if you could check out my blog! X

  2. Thankyou sweetie, definitely worth a try! Let me know how you get on :) xx

  3. I have such bad skin!! I might try this out too! thankyou for the review xxxx

  4. no worries :) yeh definitley give it a go, everyones skin is different and this might be what clears yours up! thanks for reading. xxx


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